Quality Matters: Inside Silver Lining Collision’s Success Strategy

At Silver Lining Collision quality is more than just a philosophy; It’s ingrained into our very culture through what we call the ‘Right Now Mentality.’ The ‘Right Now Mentality’ is a guiding principle that emphasizes the importance of quality in all aspects of our work and empowers our employees to be vigilant, proactive, and engaged in delivering the best possible service to our customers. 

Quality is a shared Goal

In our facility, quality is a shared goal that every employee takes ownership of. Every team member, from our office manager to our technicians, is given the autonomy to halt production whenever they detect a potential quality issue or lack of excellence in the output. We believe that each employee’s perspective and input are invaluable in upholding our commitment to delivering top-notch services. 

Our Employee’s Voices Matter

We foster an environment where feedback is welcomed and received with enthusiasm and attention. By actively listening to our employees and creating a culture of open communication we ensure that their concerns are addressed promptly, guaranteeing that our quality promise to our customers remains unwavering. 

The 5S system is a methodology developed in Toyota’s production system by Tahichi Ohno during the 1960’s in Japan and over time has been influenced by various manufacturing principles and Japanese management practices. 

Quality Right the First Time

Our goal is to make sure that we get the quality right the first time. Though this may require additional efforts and resources, we prioritize fixing any issues immediately, even if it means foregoing short-term gains. Our commitment to first-time quality sets the foundation for building trust with our customers, assuring you that your vehicle will be restored to the highest standard with no return visits necessary. 

Putting Our Mentality into Practice 

An incident with a customer’s car serves as a prime example of how our ‘Right Now Mentality’ comes to life. While replacing a woman’s bumper damaged in an accident, our meticulous quality check revealed damage to the fender and under the bumper. Without hesitation, our attentive technician used his walkie-talking to signal the problem. We promptly gathered to assess the situation, discussed the best approach forward, and proceeded to fix the additional damage, even though it was unrated to the initial accident. This proactive approach exemplifies our dedication to delivering excellence at every turn. 

At Silver Lining Collision, the ‘Right Now Mentality’ is not just a catchphrase; it’s a way of life that defines our culture and drives us to provide exceptional service to our customers. By empowering our employees to take charge of the quality and actively participate in the process, we ensure that every vehicle that comes through our doors receives nothing but the best. Our relentless pursuit of excellence is what sets us apart, and we will continue to live by this guiding principle, always striving to exceed expectations and bring satisfaction to those we serve. 


From Fender Benders to Door Dings: Expert Fixes for Minor Car Damages


Embracing a Customer Service-Centric Culture at Silver Lining Collision